وطن سلسلة المعادن اللامعة

بريق المعادن سلسلة اللؤلؤ الصباغ مسحوق اللؤلؤ الصباغ

منتجات جديدة

بريق المعادن سلسلة اللؤلؤ الصباغ مسحوق اللؤلؤ الصباغ

السلسلة المعدنية مغلفة بالميثان على سطح الميكا. من خلال التحكم الدقيق في سمك طلاء أكسيد الحديديك، تظهر سلسلة من البرونز والبني المحمر والبورجوندي والأرجواني والأحمر والأخضر والقهوة على التوالي. هوى، اللوني كامل، معدني قوي، وله قوة إخفاء قوية، ولون غني، وخصائص فيزيائية وكيميائية.

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نموذجلونحجم الجسيمات
TC500برونزية10-60 ميكرومتر
TC502بني محمر10-60 ميكرومتر
TC503الأحمر البني5-25 ميكرومتر
TC504نبيذ أحمر10-60 ميكرومتر
TC505خبازي10-60 ميكرومتر
TC506البيج المحمر10-60 ميكرومتر
TC508روبي الأحمر10-60 ميكرومتر
TC510برونز محمر10-60 ميكرومتر
TC520الساتان البرونزي5-25 ميكرومتر
TC522الساتان البني الأحمر5-25 ميكرومتر
TC524النبيذ الأحمر الساتان5-25 ميكرومتر
TC525الساتان البنفسجي5-25 ميكرومتر
TC530فلاش برونزي10-100 ميكرومتر
TC532فلاش أحمر برونزي10-100 ميكرومتر
TC534فلاش النبيذ الأحمر10-100 ميكرومتر
TC535فلاش البنفسجي10-100 ميكرومتر
TC5301فلاش برونزي خاص20-150 ميكرومتر
TC5321فلاش أحمر بني خاص40-200 ميكرومتر
TC5341فلاش النبيذ الأحمر الخاص40-200 ميكرومتر
TC5351فلاش خاص باللون البنفسجي40-200 ميكرومتر
TC3502أحمر نبيذ معدني10-60 ميكرومتر
TC3518برتقالي معدني أحمر10-60 ميكرومتر


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إذا كنت مهتما بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، فالرجاء ترك رسالة هنا ، وسوف نقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.
منتجات ذات صله
سلسلة المعادن اللؤلؤية سلسلة مسحوق الميكا اللمعان الصباغ

السلسلة المعدنية مغلفة بالميثان على سطح الميكا. من خلال التحكم الدقيق في سمك طلاء أكسيد الحديديك، تظهر سلسلة من البرونز والبني المحمر والبورجوندي والأرجواني والأحمر والأخضر والقهوة على التوالي. هوى، اللوني كامل، معدني قوي، وله قوة إخفاء قوية، ولون غني، وخصائص فيزيائية وكيميائية.

إقرأ المزيد
بريق المعادن سلسلة اللؤلؤ الصباغ مسحوق اللؤلؤ الصباغ

السلسلة المعدنية مغلفة بالميثان على سطح الميكا. من خلال التحكم الدقيق في سمك طلاء أكسيد الحديديك، تظهر سلسلة من البرونز والبني المحمر والبورجوندي والأرجواني والأحمر والأخضر والقهوة على التوالي. هوى، اللوني كامل، معدني قوي، وله قوة إخفاء قوية، ولون غني، وخصائص فيزيائية وكيميائية.

إقرأ المزيد
TC500 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC502 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC503 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC504 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC505 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC508 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC510 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC520 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC522 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC524 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC525 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC530 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC532 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC534 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC535 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC5301 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC5321 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC5341 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC5351 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC3502 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد
TC3518 Luster Metal Series Pearlescent Pigment Pearl Powder Pigment

The metal series is coated with methane on the surface of mica. By precisely controlling the coating thickness of ferric oxide, a series of bronze, reddish brown, burgundy, purple, red, green and coffee are successively appeared. Hue, chromatogram is complete, strong metallic, and has strong hiding power, rich color, physical and chemical properties.

إقرأ المزيد

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إذا كنت مهتما بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، فالرجاء ترك رسالة هنا ، وسوف نقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.



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