وطن مسحوق اللؤلؤ

TC101 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

منتجات جديدة

TC101 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment


Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

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25kgs/drum, 25kgs/carton, 450kgs/pallet.675kgs/drum. 9tons/20ft container. 18tons/40ft container



Model Color Particle size Mica TiO2 SnO2
TC108 Fine silver <15μm  
TC110 Fine silver 2-15μm  
TC111 Fine silver 2-15μm
TC120 Fine silver luster 5-25μm  
TC123 Bright satin 5-25μm
TC173 Pearl silk 10-40μm
TC100 Silver pearl 10-60μm  
TC103 Silver pear 10-60μm
TC101 Brilliant white 30-70μm  
TC151 Shiny Pearl 10-100μm
TC153 Flashing silver 20-100μm
TC163 Scintilation pearl 40-200μm
TC183 Special flashing pearl 40-300μm

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إذا كنت مهتما بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، فالرجاء ترك رسالة هنا ، وسوف نقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.
منتجات ذات صله
الفضة البيضاء سلسلة مسحوق اللؤلؤ الميكا الصباغ

الخصائصتتميز منتجات السلسلة الفضية بالبياض الجيد واللمعان اللؤلؤي الواضح. وفقًا للشكل البلوري لثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم، يمكن تقسيمه إلى نوعين: نوع الروتيل ونوع الأناتاس، وتتميز منتجات سلسلة الروتيل بمقاومة أقوى للطقس. تحتوي هذه السلسلة من منتجات أصباغ اللؤلؤ على العديد من مواصفات حجم الجسيمات، وسينتج حجم الجسيمات الدقيقة تأثيرًا ناعمًا وسلسًا، وسينتج حجم الجسيمات الخشنة تأثيرًا قويًا للتلألؤ.

إقرأ المزيد
الماس سلسلة مسحوق اللؤلؤ الصباغ اللؤلؤي

سلسلة Diamond عبارة عن صبغة خاصة شديدة اللمعان ذات تأثير لؤلؤي مصنوعة من مادة بلورية جديدة عالية الشفافية تعتمد على أكسيد المعدن مثل ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم. بالمقارنة مع المنتجات الأخرى، أكبر ميزة لها هي مؤشر الانكسار العالي وتأثير الوميض القوي للغاية. على وجه الخصوص، يمكن لسلسلة منتجات الماس أن تعكس بشكل أفضل الأشعة وضوء النجوم والأبعاد البصرية الشبيهة بالألماس وتغيرات الألوان الرائعة.

إقرأ المزيد
مستحضرات التجميل الصف الذهب اللون غرامة لؤلؤة الصباغ

سلسلة Tuocai Gold مطلية بثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم وأكسيد الحديديك على سطح الميكا. يمكنها إنتاج بريق ذهبي بألوان مختلفة عن طريق التحكم الدقيق في نسبة الطلاء لثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم وأكسيد الحديديك. إنها غير سامة ولا طعم لها، وممتازة في مقاومة درجات الحرارة العالية، ومقاومة الأحماض والقلويات، ومقاومة الضوء وعدم الموصلية. إنه يحل مشكلة تغير لون مسحوق النحاس التقليدي في ظل الظروف القاسية. اللون الذهبي لهذه السلسلة كاملة،

إقرأ المزيد
TC100 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC101 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC103 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC108 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC110 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC111 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC120 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC123 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC151 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC153 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC163 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد
TC173 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

إقرأ المزيد

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إذا كنت مهتما بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، فالرجاء ترك رسالة هنا ، وسوف نقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.



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